Today is one of my favorite holidays.  It comes four times a year and I can't wait each time.  Its Earnings Day!!!  Today Disney announced earnings per share of 44 cents, up 19% I love listening to the earnings conference call and hear what Bob and Tom have to say.  But this year, there was a voice missing.  Wendy Webb former SVP of Investor Relations.  Don't get me wrong the new guy, Lowell Singer seems nice.  But hes going to take some getting used to.  In any case congrats to all at The Walt Disney Company for outstanding results.  As a Disney fan I am excited to see Disney having spent $45 million more in capital expenditures at domestic Disney parks so far this year.  There had been a lot of pressure to keep park spending down in the past and I'm happy to see a buck in that trend.  Anycase Happy Earnings Day!