Variety has an interesting article about Disney Nature, a  new studio brand for Disney that will produce nature films a la March of the Penguins(which Disney invested in).  This is another case of everything old is new again.  We all know that Walt made those True-Life Adventure films that inspired Adventureland at Disneyland, and that Roy Disney has been an advocate of those films, as well as Disney's conservation efforts since he worked on those films decades ago.  Maybe its time for Disney to make a comeback in this genre.

It is no secret that Disney wants to increase the number of Disney branded films it releases each year.  In order to do this Disney needs to expand the types of movies the studio releases.  They have added intense action and adventure films with Pirates of the Caribbean and sports films with Remember the Titans, perhaps nature films will also round out the Disney film slate.

I hope Jean Francois Camilleri, the head of the new studio, is in constant contact with Disney's Animal Kingdom's Dr. Beth Stevens.  I think it would be great if the films and the park could work together to support each other as well as Disney's Wildlife Conservation Fund.  Only time will tell if this is a good move for Disney, I look forward to seeing how it plays out.