So here it is: my LaughingPlace blog. I've called it "True-Life Adventureland," for reasons that I'll soon elaborate on in a post. (Update: here they are.)

Some of you may remember the columns for LaughingPlace that I've written throughout the years. In fact, I'm still writing those columns, though I've recently noticed that most of the ideas I've wanted to write about just aren't rich enough to receive the full "column" treatment. This blog is an attempt to remedy that: here's a place where I can jot down all the little musings, inspirations, complaints, and love letters to and about the Disney parks that come to me throughout the day, without the burden of fleshing them out to unnecessary length. I hope you enjoy it! I'm pretty sure that I will. (If you're not familiar with my writing, this column is a good place to start.)

A little about me: I live in San Francisco and evidently try to find work in as many fields as I possibly can, including software development, filmmaking, and video game design. I've also been lucky enough to have played a tiny role in the creation of Hong Kong Disneyland as an illustrator.

Thanks to Doobie for lending me this real estate on the LaughingPlace site. Hopefully this blog will become a fun, useful, and interesting place, and what sort of fun, useful, and interesting place doesn't have a dedication? I have an idea for one:

To all who come to this happy place: welcome. This blog, known as True-Life Adventureland, is your land. Here age relives fond memories of the past, and here youth may savor the challenge and promise of the future. True-Life Adventureland is dedicated to the ideals, the dreams,and the hard facts that have created Disneyland, with the hope that it will be a source of joy and inspiration to all the world.