
The Oscars came and went for another year, bringing us pretty predictable winners, hilarious moments and a really uncomfortable Liza Minnelli selfie (Tell me this doesn’t make you feel weird). Overall though, it was a very solid entry into Oscar ceremony-dom, led by the fantastic Ellen Degeneres, showing that she can really do no wrong. I now present you the 10 of the best moments from the telecast.

  • Ellen scaring Sandra Bullock and Leonardo Dicaprio with her “More Oscar surprises, when we return!” was priceless.
  • Pink blew everyone away with her rendition of “Somewhere Over the Rainbow,” and was solidified her role as a stand out performer. (Side note, she was MUCH better than Bette Midler and Idina Menzel, and I love both of them usually)



  • Speaking of Idina…John Travolta’s introduction of “Adele Nazeem” might be the most awkward thing to ever come out of an awards show telecast. Twitter was a-buzz with insults and jokes, which was hilarious. I wish someone just showed the trailer to “Old Dogs” as payback. #WhyDickCookWasFired
  • Lupita Nyong’o is my new favorite actress. Not only was she incredible in 12 Years A Slave, but her speech was so eloquent, emotional and inspirational, it makes you wish she spoke for everyone. The best quote was "When I look down at this golden statue, may it remind me and every little child that no matter where you’re from, your dreams are valid. Thank you." (The below video was me when Lupita won...I am obsessed with her!)
  • Matthew McConaughey winning Best Actor wasn’t a shock, but his speech was great for only one reason…”ALRIGHT ALRIGHT ALRIGHT!” If that phrase isn’t on a t-shirt by now, I am heading to CafePress immediately. Oops...spoke too soon.
  • While that “Let’s give celebrities pizza at the Oscars” bit could have gone awry at other shows, with Ellen being such a comfortable figure for all the celebs in attendance, it turned out much funnier than anyone could’ve imagined. (Kerry Washington REALLY wanted that pizza)
  • Of course, Ellen needed money to tip the pizza guy (don’t want to be rude or anything) and that resulted in an even funnier bit “Just $20, Brad?”
  • Pharrell performed “Happy” and Lupita Nyong'o, Amy Adams and Meryl Streep all danced. I’m out.
  • Cate Blanchett pretty much told all of Hollywood to take a "journey to the center of the Earth," if ya know what I mean, with this fantastic quote:“Those in the industry who are foolishly clinging to the idea that female films, with women in the centre are niche experiences. They are not, audiences want to see them. In fact they earn money. The world is round, people!"
  • The piece de resistance. The selfie heard round the world. I will tell my future kids about this moment “Lupita and Angelina and Brad and Kevin and Meryl…they all smiled and the sun shined a little brighter the next day”

What were your favorite parts of the Oscars this year? Let me know in the comments below or on the discussion boards! Also, be sure to check out Fanboy’s liveblog or my twitter feed to see more the craziness that ensued.