
The Walt Disney Company provided an exclusive "end cap" for the New York International Children's Film Festival; a sneak preview of their Disneynature documentary, "Bears".  The Disneynature Ambassador, Jane Goodall, and the film's narrator, John C Reilly were there to introduce the film at the IFC Theater.

The late morning showtime allowed guests to be seated a half hour before the movie began.  The audience was mostly families, similar to the "Muppets Most Wanted" sneak preview for the same festival, NYICFF.  At 11:30 a.m., the theater doors opened as Jane Goodall and John C Reilly were escorted down the aisle, to the small stage in front of the screen.  Dame Goodall was approached by a few adoring fans, who were prepared with books to be autographed, and parents ready with their cameras.  John C Reilly looked especially dapper in, well, an outfit that would befit a Dapper Dan!
Eric Beckman, Director of the NYICFF, greeted the audience.  The festival had officially ended almost two weeks ago, so Mr. Beckman was brief, thanking the audience for it's support and participation, and then introducing Jane Goodall and John C Reilly.
Jane Goodall spoke about her role as Ambassador for Disneynature films.  While she hasn't been associated with bears for her entire career, she assured the audience that she loves all animals.  Her role with Disneynature meant a trip to Alaska, to meet the "stars" - she loved the bears, and Alaska.  Jane commended the film, focusing on the stunning cinematography, claiming that she would find you "quite peculiar" if you didn't like the film.  To close, she stressed the importance of attending the film during it's opening week, as Disneynature will give a portion of each ticket sale to the National Park Foundation.
John C Reilly started off by making sure the children in the audience knew who he was : Wreck It Ralph! He joked that while he hasn't been associated with chimps for his entire career, he had, in fact, acted like a chimp for much of his youth!  Mr. Reilly implored the audience to see the film in the first week, as well. Then, Dame Goodall and Mr Reilly both exited the theater, and "Bears" began.