
Disney apps are very popular in our house. My son Gideon and I regularly enjoy Where’s My Mickey? Or Toy Story Smash It! Sculpting is popular around here, too. Whether we are laying PlayDoh roads or shaping clay around a wire frame to create a pose-able figure. So we got excited when Disney Publishing released their new app Squish: Mickey Mouse Clubhouse that encourages users to squish and sculpt various digital clay molds and shapes.

Choose Your Shape and Color
Choose Your Shape and Color

The fun begins when you a pick your sculpt’s color and shape. You can start with Mickey or Minnie or choose from a variety of shapes. Also available are a variety add-on accessories including glasses, shoes, musical instruments, etc. Whenever you are ready to reshape your creation simply choose your tool. Using the plunger you can pull and stretch your 3D sculpture or grab the scoop and dig in. We enjoyed watching the little pieces fly off the sculpt. As a mom I try to introduce my son to a wide variety of experiences. I was very pleased to find this app offers my little guy an introduction to digital 3D sculpting. It took a few minutes before we discovered the arrows that rotated our sculpt left and right. But these views allowed him to better realize the effect our stretching and scooping was having on the figure. I enjoyed watching him pull out Mickey’s tummy so that he looked like he had swallowed a basketball. It was fun watching him explore a 3-dimensional image in a digital space. He has played with lots of drawing and coloring apps so it took a few minutes for him to adapt to these new options. I could see him testing various strokes and then rotating the image to better understand their impact. Seeing him discover new things is always fun as a mom. They even offer a photo option to share the digital masterpieces, an option very popular in our house as we don’t live close to our extended family.

Add accessories
Add accessories

However where Squish! truly captures Gideon’s attention is in the next phase of creation where you explore the Squishers. Using the Twisterator we watched his creation spin around and around until it simply became a swirl of colors before disappearing, the Melter lets you manipulate air blowers to melt your creation while the Inflaterator allows you to inflate your creation. You can even blow it up until it pops! I think that was his favorite path of destruction. And you can do it over and over and over again.

 Rotate the sculpt to see all sides of your sculpt
Rotate the sculpt to see all sides of your sculpt

Squish: Mickey Mouse Clubhouse is available for iPhone and iPad for $4.99

Gideon discovers how to make craters using the scoop tool and add bumps with additional sphere shapes.
Gideon discovers how to make craters using the scoop tool and add bumps with additional sphere shapes.