IMG_7415For over 25 years the one constant at Disney's MGM/Hollywood Studios has been the iconic Great Movie Ride. We can all remember walking up to the almost exact replica of the Chinese Theater and the excitement of visiting the Old West or the Land of Oz for the first time, and in all those years with the exception of a few script changes not much had changed.IMG_7417This past weekend brought about the biggest change to this classic attraction, in the form of TCM becoming sponsor of the attraction. From the outside other than some new banners and adding of TCM branding to the signs the average guest might not pick up on anything different.

Once inside, while the queue has not changed, small touches have been added to plus your wait to head into the theater.  Small new digital screens have been added to the display boxes that will help give details and possibly even scenes from the film featuring the costume/props in the future.IMG_7420My favorite addition has to be the new changing poster signs, in my entire wait in the queue i never saw a poster twice and some of the posters even have a "magical moving" element to them.

Once inside the "theater" part of the queue gone is the loop of trailers of films you will see along the ride, now you have your first introduction to Robert Osborne of TCM talking about... Great Movies. In the 50 minute loop Robert talks about the history of movies and in each vignette he ties his Film 101 lectures back to a portion of the attraction.

As you step aboard the vehicles nothing seems to be very different, you still have your tour guide introducing him/herself but as you start moving Robert Osborne takes over as the guide "through the movies."IMG_7431The addition of Robert Osborne as the narrator is a little jarring to those of us who have been on this attraction more than a few times. Guest have nothing to worry about as the guides are still there with little add ins here and there while Robert gives us the main run down of what we are seeing.

As there is no change to the attraction scenes themselves most people won't notice anything other than, a very low, narration as opposed to the guide talking the entire time, until we get to the finale film. TCM and WDI did an amazing job at plussing this film while keeping enough of the old version to make even the most die hard fans happy!IMG_7435

One of the small touches that was added outside the attraction is a great photo spot that adds a true Hollywood feel to the area with a chance to "put your hand prints in cement." I only hope it starts being staffed by PhotoPass cast members to help make memories.IMG_7440
This update took a 26 year old attraction and really added new life to it without taking away from the classicness of it. If TCM does go in and make more changes to the attraction, I have no fear it will just plus it not hurt it!