With Walt Disney Animation Studios' Zootopia continuing to perform well at the box office, the characters from the film have recently started making appearances at Disney California Adventure at the Disneyland Resort and at Disney's Hollywood Studios at Walt Disney World.

At the Magic Kingdom, the characters have been added to the Move It! Shake It! Dance & Play It! Street Party.

Meanwhile, at Disney California Adventure, Nick and Judy are meeting guests in Hollywoodland.


In addition Zootopia posters as well as artwork has been added to the Disney Animation building.




Finally, Award Weiners has some special menu items to celebrate the animated film. Banana Corn Dogs feature two bananas that are dipped in a corn and honey batter and topped with powdered sugar. It is paired with a duo of chocolate and ‘red paw-psicle’ (raspberry) dipping sauces. Also available is a Zootopia Souvenir Tumbler


With the film's success, we don't know what long-term plans the powers that be have for the Zootopia franchise at the parks. If the film remains popular, we may have bigger Zootopia experiences in our future.