Alice & Lucy Will Work For Bunk BedsIllustrator Jaime Temairik makes her writing debut with Alice & Lucy Will Work for Bunk Beds. Her adorable illustrations will remind parents of their own childhoods with a fun story about sisterly love and quarrels. But at its core, Alice & Lucy is about the power of teamwork.

Alice & Lucy are sisters who love doing everything together, except one loves peanut butter and the other only likes jelly. When the sisters get tired of sharing a bed, they decide to work in a bakery to make money to buy a bunk bed. When their disagreement on the best ingredient causes a fight, they will have to learn how to compromise to make an amazing confection and get their bunk bed.

As a kid, I shared a room with my brother and remember wanting a bunk bed for many reasons. The title of this book instantly brought me back to those days and Temairik has scattered other childhood gems throughout the illustrations, including nods to Harry Potter (Hairy Otter) and Nintendo games. Adults should also look for cute references to Cuisinart, Dom Perignon and Frost Nixon.

Alice & Lucy Will Work for Bunk Beds is a lot of fun and tells a great story with a good lesson. I love the illustrations and Jaime Temairik proves herself a Disney fan in her bio when she says she will work for "trips to Disneyland. I would love to see more original stories from this new author and think most parents will feel the same after meeting these adorable sisters.