The Festival of Holidays is heralded at the entrance to Disney California AdventureBuena Vista Street features an old-fashioned Christmas treeShop windows offer a look into holidays of the past
Arched entrance to the Festival of Holiday glows at nightFestival of Holidays arch by dayEntertainment venues are listed at the base of the archKiosks spread through DCA offer a variety of treatsYuletide YummiesSouvenirs include decorated skulls for Day of the DeadMosaic Delights are listedMore food venues along Paradise BayEntertainment offerings are listed along with guide mapsFood is offered into the evening
Ornaments include personalizationPersonalization is offered on the spotOfficial T-shirtMore logo merchandise is availableCarsland is decked out againPacific Wharf features a performance stageA tree decorates the waters near Pacific WharfMostly Kosher performs at the Golden Vine and in Paradise ParkMostly Kosher performs klezmer
Check out the new Santa Chalet and World of Color on the next page