I remember being very impressed by books with a gold or silver seal on the cover that had won literary awards, such as the Newberry Medal. While reading Lotus & Feather from Disney-Hyperion, I couldn't help but remember the wonderful books I enjoyed as a kid with those shiny accolades and how this feels destined to become one of them. Now you have the chance to introduce your kids to a wonderful story destined to become a classic with this first edition run.

Taking place long ago in a Chinese village, Lotus is a young lonely girl who lost her voice due to an illness. One day while collecting reeds for her grandpa, Lotus met an injured crane whom she brought home and named Feather. Feather helps Lotus make friends at school and ends up saving the village, but Lotus will learn that animals need to be free when Feather's wings finally heal.

Everything about Lotus & Feather is beautiful. From the touching story by Ji-li Jiang to the breathtaking watercolor illustrations by Julie Downing, every piece of the book works together in perfect harmony. It will be incredibly meaningful to all who experience this story, parents and children alike.

Lotus & Feather is a truly special children's book, which I recommend for children 4 and up. Walt Disney's love of animals and other cultures make this book feel like a fitting addition to Disney-Hyperion's catalogue of titles. And now you can share this beautiful story with your kids before it assumes its destiny of winning award after award.