As the title suggests, Lion's Lullaby is a sweet nighttime story to share with your little ones before sending them off the dreamland. This UK import was originally published in 2015 under the title Who Puts the Animals to Bed? and I have to admit that the title change is questionable since the lion is just one of many characters in the book and is by no means central to the story. And so now the question you're probably asking is "Who does put the animals to bed? The answer is your child.
As this story-poem unfolds, various animals dressed in human clothes enjoy pre-bedtime activities such as putting toys away, taking a bath, having a bedtime snack and being sung to. But as you you meet each animal, it becomes more clear that these aren't living breathing creatures, but the toys of a child. By the end of the book, the little girl has assembled all of her animal plushes for a night of sweet dreams.
With a charming story by Mij Kelly and beautiful illustrations by Holly Clifton-Brown, there's a lot to love in Lion's Lullaby, even if the American title isn't as charming as the original. It's easy to see why Disney decided to import this gem and parents should be thankful they did. The illustrations and theme are somewhat reminiscent of A. A. Milne's classic Winnie the Pooh series.
When I was growing up, one bedtime story wasn't enough and I was usually allowed to choose three that my dad would read to me. I have a feeling that two-year-old Alex would have chosen Lion's Lullaby on a consistent basis and I'm sure dad would have save it for last. Not just because it's very good, but also because it's a perfect nightcap after a day of imaginative play.