I am thrilled to announce that we are launching disneyBOP, a new website under the LaughingPlace umbrella. I am also excited to announce that I will be creative director!

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So, here's the gist: Some articles I've written in the past have received such positive feedback that it would make sense to expand on them. Things like the independent Disney shop community and Disney Channel articles warrant more discussion, as they are larger topics than we at LP have room for. On top of that, I was inspired by Teen Vogue's ability to pair lifestyle and fashion with pieces discussing representation.

That's the goal with disneyBOP. We hope to bring you coverage of new Disney fashion trends and collections, lifestyle pieces (like crafts, home decor, etc.), entertainment (music playlists, Disney Channel, Shondaland), and items on representation. We want to be able to talk about things like LGBTQ rights, feminism, racial equality, etc. all through the lens of Disney. Think about honest discussions about "gay LeFou" or the Maui costume debacle. We hope to offer constructive criticism when needed, along with congratulations when Disney excels.

Overall, we hope to allow you to Live Life Magically.

I am so excited for you the see the site and what we have in store, but we are also looking for writers. The Disney blogging community needs diverse voices from all walks of life. I would love to have someone living on a Native American reservation giving their real thoughts on Pocahontas. I would love getting a member of the LGBTQ community discussing Disney's commitment to helping the Pulse nightclub monument come to fruition. I would love a ton of college students sending in how they add Disney to their personal wardrobe. I want all races, sexualities, genders, backgrounds represented.

If you have any desire to write for disneyBOP, send your pitches to disneybop@gmail.com.

We are looking for TV recappers, fashion bloggers, lifestyle gurus, crafters, and op-ed writers. Also, if you have an idea for something that you think would work great on the site that isn't listed, send it our way! Be sure to send a pitch for the article you'd like to write and some examples of your writing!

I am so excited to share the site with you and create our community and hope you join in the fun. Be sure to follow us everywhere @disneyBOP. Twitter Instagram Facebook