Fresh Off the Boat is my favorite ABC sitcom airing right now and for a network that airs 8 half-hour comedies a week, that's saying something. The Huang family's trials and tribulations living in Orlando and running a restaurant are heartfelt and hilarious, the perfect combination.
The Season 4 premiere starts right where we left off in the Season 3 finale. The Huangs are trying to move back into their house that they just sold, Eddie is trying to get his friends back after alienating himself, and Louis is coping with selling half of his restaurant to Michael Bolton. (Yes. That one.)
The Huangs move-in with Honey and Marvin as they wait for the house to open back up again and Honey immediately regrets the invitation. However, the more important invitation during the episode is the one Jessica receives to become a contestant on Wheel of Fortune for Best Friends Week. From there, we get a rocky friendship road between Jessica and Honey during preparation and on the set. (Oh, and another rocky friendship road, but an unexpected one. You'll see. It's comedic gold.)
This season opener was great! I've never enjoyed an Eddie plot line more, as usually I'm here for Jessica above all else. His interactions with Nicole are great and the end of the episode gave us a new side to their friendship I'm really excited to watch.
Jessica and Honey's tension is a great way to start the season, as we see some cultural differences play out in front of our eyes. Both are at the topic of their game. Chelsey Crisp has been an underrated player as Honey for the entire run of the show, but really gets a fun angle to play this episode.
Constance Wu, on the other hand, deserved an Emmy years ago for her brilliant portrayal of Jessica Huang. She is excellent. Her Wheel of Fortune induced scream was over-the-top and fabulous, compared to her normal, fantastic dry wit that makes Jessica so perfect. Constance Wu for every role ever, President, and my best friend.
This show has always been one that mixes 90s nostalgia, great sitcom plots, and Asian representation so effortlessly. Being Asian isn't played for a joke (Looking at you, Long Duck Dong), the culture and experiences are a part of the joke. Just look at how fantastic the Chinese New Year, Citizenship, and Taiwan episodes were at combining comedy and the embracing of cultures.
Overall, this premiere is a great start to a great show. For those curious if you need to binge beforehand, it's not necessary. While the entire series is available on Hulu, I jumped in at the start of Season 2 and have never felt lost. Be sure to check this one out, I think you'll dig it.
Fresh Off the Boat premieres tonight, 10/3/2017, at 8:30pm on ABC