TCM host and film historian Robert Osborne has passed away at the age of 84. While known to TCM viewers for many years, Disney fans will remember him as the current host of The Great Movie Ride. He joined the attraction as part of TCM's sponsorship in 2015.

There is no word at this time if his passing will have any immediate impact to the attraction.

Turner Classic Movies General Manager Jennifer Dorian released the following statement:

All of us at Turner Classic Movies are deeply saddened by the death of Robert Osborne. Robert was a deloved member of the Turner family for more than 23 years. He joined us an expert of classic film and grew to be our cherished colleague and esteemed abassador for TCM.

Robert was embraced by devoted fans who saw him as a trusted expert and friend. His calming presence, gentlemanly style, encyclopedic knoeledge of film history, frevent sypport for film preservation and highly personal interviewing style all combined to make him a truly world-class host. Robert's contributions were fundamental in shaping TCM into what it is today and we owe him a debt of gratitude that can never be repaid.

Our thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends at this time.