ESPN announced that the network has teamed up with Kobe Bryant’s studio, Granity Studios, on a new show called Detail – written, produced and hosted by Bryant. The basketball analysis show will premiere in March 2018 on ESPN and will provide insights from one of the greatest players of all time.

In Detail, viewers will experience unparalleled game observations from Bryant as if he were one of the players featured in an ESPN game played the day before. As one of this generation’s leading basketball minds, Bryant will provide a perspective aimed at helping young athletes, players and coaches see the game in a different way.

“Studying game film is how the best get better. It’s the university for a master’s degree in basketball.” said Bryant. “I learned how to study film from the best coaches of all time – Phil Jackson and Tex Winter. Detail provides an opportunity to teach that skill to the next generation on large platform with ESPN.”

Detail will have a 15-episode run and will air during the back half of the 2017-2018 NBA season, concluding with The Finals. The show is aimed at young athletes, current NBA players and coaches looking for deeper analysis of an athlete’s in-game execution.

“Having an all-time great like Kobe share the same analysis he offers current players will be a tutorial for elite athletes around the world and the ultimate inside access for viewers,” says Kevin Wildes, ESPN vice president, original content.

This is the third project for Bryant’s Granity Studios and ESPN. During the 2016-2017 NBA season, Bryant partnered with the network for a limited run of Canvas City, which aired on ESPN’s NBA Countdown show. This season, he has provided short packages to the network called MuseCage Basketball Network (MBN). MBN has aired two of its 10-episode commitment this season