Bloomberg is reporting that Major League Soccer will be transitioning the online viewing of out-of-market MLS games from their MLS Live service to the upcoming ESPN+. This means that soccer fans will be able to get more for less. Last season, MLS Live cost $79 for the season. ESPN+ will only cost $4.99 a month ($59.88 for 12 months). In addition to what soccer fans had already received, they will also get 12 months of other sports for $19 less per year.

The deal does not cover local teams or nationally broadcast games which is similar to what MLS Live offered. It is unknown what other content will be on the service, but it is promised thousands of other sporting events per year including MLB, NHL, and college sports.

While the service probably won't launch until after the start of the MLS season, the report indicates that games will be streamed for free until ESPN+ launches.